Thursday, December 17, 2009

some small things

Hi. So a few things.

The 711's here are amazing. They aren't your regular run of the mill United States 711s. No. These ones have such amazing food in them. Different salads and pastas and chicken and sushi and desserts and omg its so wonderful. You can buy alcohol in these 711s. (Which I dont know if you can do in other states at home but in NJ you can't.) YOU PAY YOUR BILLS AT 711!! You take your electric bill and your gas bill and your cell phone bill and you bring it to the counter and they tell you how much you owe and you give them the money and thats it , you're done. SO EASY!!!!!! Add that to this list of what the states needs to have!!

Also, I recently had a conversation with Tomo about sprinkles that you put on ice cream. I told her that they are called sprinkles... but some people also call them jimmies in different parts of the United States. She thought that was hilarious. Then the next day she came into work and said she went out and got James. I was confused. "James? Who is James?" and then I realized she meant jimmies hahahahahhaha
I need to start a section of my blog all about Tomo and how funny she is.

This week has been holiday lessons so we've been teaching the kids about christmas stuff. They know that Christmas is when Santa comes and brings them presents but thats about it. So when I try to explain to them what a Stocking is, they keep calling it socks and don't really care much about it.

A parent of one of my students invited me to a Christmas party their family is having. She said that her friends will be there who just recently spent 3 years in New York and got back in Aug so she'd love for me to come and chat with them. That should be interesting! Ill get to see what people eat at parties and get-togethers and where they are held and things like that. Make some friends. whatevs

Not having a dishwasher in my apartment is the worst. Dishes have been piling up! Whoops. I need to work on that. In two weeks I venture to Tokyo for 5 days! Exciting!!

1 comment:

  1. that 711 sounds amazing...and i thought WAWA was top notch. what kind of liquor do they sell there?? so do you go to 711s and get sushi a sandwich and a 40? blog about your earthquake! bet it was much more exciting than the one we "experienced" in california...we slept through it and mom told everyone we survived an earthquake..

    btw im going to comment as a different pokemon everytime
