Monday, December 28, 2009


Well it's been a while since I've posted and a lot of interesting stuff has happened since then! Lets see...

Christmas was interesting. I worked. That was about it. Some of the parents gave me little gifts of candy, which was nice. I got paid on Christmas which was wonderful!! The best part was skyping with my family. I was able to be part of the yearly tradition of holding down Two Turtle Doves during the 12 days of christmas song and was with them during their morning when they opened their presents.. I also made myself Christmas dinner...the best I could come up with to an Italian Christmas dinner with pasta and 7 fish was spaghetti with vodka sauce (found the sauce in a foreign store) and an assortment of sushi haha

My Christmas dinner

I got some wonderful presents from family and friends and am told there are more to come!! Thank you so much everyone who sent me things :) It made me feel less lonely this holiday. Which this holiday was pretty lonely. But that'll just make next years holiday that much better :)

Also, check out this gift from my manager:

A huge tub of ice cream. SCORE!!!

So last week , probably the few days before Christmas I got pretty sick. For two nights I had a fever pushing 102 degrees and my throat really hurt when i swallowed and felt like it was swollen. Thankfully I only had to work one day while I was sick. I was sick Sunday-Wednesday I guess. Wednesday I had off for the Emperors birthday so that was great. So I only worked Tuesday (I have off Sunday and Monday regularly.) Tuesday night after work my manager took me to the emergency room, which was down the street from my apartment. It was pretty nice. They really hook you up there with medications. I couldnt tell you what I took but I do know that one was for my fevers and headaches, one was for my throat and one was an antibiotic (i think) haha. They also checked to see if I had the flu (reg. and h1n1). They did this by giving me a nose culture. They stuck a skinny little swab all the way up my nose past my eyes!! It hurt a little bit. But I like that better then getting a throat culture: those make me want to vomit. Anyways I felt great after two days of being on the medicine. It was sweet. And I still feel great. So I'm happy. We sat there and waited an hour before we were seen which isnt bad at all. 3 nurses helped me while my manager translated for us. They were so nice and trying to crack jokes with me. And the entire trip only cost me 30 bucks, including all that medication. So, not bad. I'm pretty sure what I had was strep throat. But they didn't know how to tell me that in a way I'd understand.

One of the medicine packets I received at the hospital. This one was for medicated candy looking suckers for my throat. My manager wrote down directions on each one so I didnt get them confused haha.

Cell Phone - I finally got a cell phone! Its a pretty cool Japanese cell phone through Softbank (similar to ATT, Verizon, etc) The keys light up all crazy with different colors when you do certain things. A japanese lady yells somethign at me when I get a call or text message. Their text messages are actually done through email on the phone. So you have to set up an email address and get other peoples emails if you want to text them. So.. people in the states!! You can text me!!! Just text this address:
This also works if you want to email me while I'm on the go, or if I am not at my computer and you need to reach me.
I am on the search for a cool phone charm to hang from my cell phone. I am going to make this a legitimate Japanese cell phone hahaha.

My Cell phone! The lights are just so much fun haha. They are always changing.

So tomorrow is going to be exciting. I get to go to Shizuoka City to meet up with Travis and Brittani, stay at Travis's and then the three of us are going to Tokyo the next day for a few days! So I won't be at a computer. So this is when you reach me at my phone email address listed above! Because I'll get that immediately, whereas I won't be checking my gmail very often. When I come back I'll hopefully have lots of fun Tokyo stories for you.

Some random pictures:

Some random poster of a guy selling alcohol but I have no idea what it is.
Lee reminded me of Abby and her mom. Hi Abby! This LEE thing was in my grocery store, its curry that you heat up at home (curry is really popular here, but its sweet. Not spicy like Indian food I actually enjoy it)

I FOUND FRANZ BOXED WINE!! The college girl in me got excited.
This picture was taken for my Drexel girls. HI!!

My japanese is getting better. Today I was able to chat with a girl at a clothing store about clothes and New Years Eve plans. It was pretty cool.
This week I plan on saying Asobo!(Lets party!) A lot.
Also.. gekido(rage). Tokyo here I come.

So anyways. Life.

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