Thursday, December 3, 2009

Numazu & Teaching

Well it has been three days of teaching. Im exhausted! But each day is better and better. My first day of teaching I just observed. I was able to meet a lot of parents and kids. Its hard making conversation when there's such a language barrier.
I actually tried out a little experiment. The first time a parent asked me where I was from I told them New Jersey. All I got was a blank stare.... so the next parent I told New York.. OHHH NEW YORK!!! SEX AND THE CITY!!!! YOU ARE CHARLOTTE I AM SAMANTHA!!! hahahahh it was hilarious. So from now on I say I'm from NY or close to NY. Easier then having to explain NJ.
I also had some interesting students.. one boy liked me so much he pulled his pants down in front of me. that was awkward! At one point during the day there were 5 girls around the ages of 3-6 sitting in the lobby trading stickers to put in their sticker books (so cute) and i sat next to them and tried to talk to them a bit and they all started giving me their stickers so put on my name tag and then they all started putting them all over my face and my arms. I was covered by the time they left lol. It was really cute. So I made some friends. I bet they'll love me when I bring in the stickers I brought from home.
Oh! Also, some parents watched my class this morning and decided to sign their baby up for classes so my manager was very impressed haha. That was pretty cool.
Still have to wear the masks when walking around town and i take my temperature every day and gargle and hand sanitizer and all that stuff to protect against the flu. Its so crazy but kids have been spreading it fast.

I've been really tired after coming home from work at around 8:30 so I havent had much time to do stuff around town. This weekend I plan on going to the beach and checking out the fish market going on in the streets. Should be interesting.
Some places I've eaten on my lunch break have been KFC (right across the street from work and it was raining.. don't judge me!) Moss Burger(burger joint) and Hotto Motto (bento). For dinner I've been cooking in my apartment... which hasnt been very exciting because I only have one burner. I've made pasta with alfredo sauce pineapples and ham(yum) Pb&j on rolls, and Yakisoba from the grocery store.

Hm what else. I teach 3 classes tomorrow. Every day I add an extra class. I actually really enjoy the adult classes more then the baby classes because you dont have to worry about classroom control. They won't run out of the room like a little 3 year old did to me this morning haha.

I find that I am already missing subs/hoagies. Like from subway or quiznos or jersey mikes!!! So good. haha. I heard there is a Subway in Tokyo so i'll have to grab that for lunch while im there :)

Oh! So the plan for New Years is definitely Tokyo. I'll probably spend 4-5 days there on my break with my friends from training week. We are trying to have it planned by Sunday. So we'll see how that works out.
My neighbor/co-worker Alex made friends with other foreigners (which is what I am! weird!) and there are around 35 of them in this town that like to get together. So next weekend they are having a big Christmas party and rented out a room in a bar so she is going to take me to that so I can start making some friends around here. That will be fun!

Ok the next post will definitely have pictures of my apartment/mt fuji if the weather is nice/me on my bike. Stay tuned!


  1. Of course it is New York that everyone knows. Who would ever want to move to New Jersey to live and have a family? Everyone knows that!
    Aunt Carolyn
