Monday, December 7, 2009

Apt, Seeing Mt. Fuji at the Beach

Hi! This has been a great weekend so far. I finished the week off pretty well. I will miss Anthea, she helped me out a lot this week. We had a nice going away Anthea / Welcome Jessica dinner after work on sat night. They got us sushi and weird fried stuff. It was really nice. Then Alex and I went out on the town in Numazu. I met some other "foreigners" that Alex had become friends with and we went to this small little bar that had 2000 yen all you can drink. So we hit that up. Everyone was really nice and welcoming. Most of them were with the JET program. (Similar teaching English program like mine, but to a much larger class). One girl had been here for 4 years now. I couldn't imagine being away for that long!

Me and Alex

The Numazu "foreigners". Kampai!

So that was a good night. Drank a lot of hot sake. Yummmmm

Today Alex and I rode our bikes around town. We decided to go to the beach and see Mt. Fuji because it was so clear out.

Mt. Fuji from my apt door! (Theres a mountain in front of it kind of covering all but the top)

So the rest of my pictures Im going to put on flickr. I loved being able to see Mt. Fuji and the snow on top while ago seeing the waves and sand. So pretty. It was interesting seeing the Pacific Ocean for the first time from the other side. I also got to go shopping and look at all the stores and clothes. Its so interesting what people wear here and I am having a hard time figuring out what I can pull off. I noticed a weird issue here is that showing your shoulders or upper part of your body is really offensive, but the shorts are SO SHORT and it doesn't even matter. It's very strange. 

My head is bigger then Mt. Fuji

Tomorrow I'll be doing more traveling. I'm so happy to have this downtime from work but unfortunately its just a weekend and I'll be back to running around at work on Tuesday. I have something fun to look forward to... TOKYO FOR NEW YEARS! The kids from training and I booked rooms today so that'll be a great time. 

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