Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well the past 2 weeks have been really boring. 2 weeks ago i got sick with the stomach flu and missed two days of work. Then immediately after that I got an Upper respiratory infection. I get it every feb so that wasn't a huge surprise but being sick for two weeks straight hasn't been much fun. I purposely stayed in my apartment and didnt leave this weekend so that I would focus on just resting and recovering. During that time I had a weird dream that I came home for the weekend. Met up with the whole family in New York. and then freaked out because I realized I wasn't going to make it back in time for work on Tuesday. Being home in my dream felt really nice though. I miss America!
BUT Japan is so great, I know these past 2 weeks have just been a slump i need to overcome. I need to get better and get back into the groove of traveling on the weekends and seeing/trying new things. Because thats why I'm here. (So when I don't do something new every week I feel like I'm wasting time. Which is why being sick for 2 weeks has made me very unhappy)
The upside to being in my apt all weekend: my apt is very clean and my laundry is done. I watched 4 movies on my English movie channel on my tv: Somewhere in Time, Stuart Little 2, 88 Minutes, and Racing Stripes.  Most of those movies were bad. But i laid in bed and watched anyways. I also finished a book and started a new one.
The downside: I was sick and too lazy to study any Japanese.

The Crazy Side: I've been living in Japan for 3 months. WHAT!?

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