Friday, February 5, 2010


its been a month since i've updated! i'm awfully sorry about that!
im going to make a list of stuff that ive done in the past month

  • made my own homemade sushi 
  • went to a sushi conveyer belt restaurant
  • went to hiroshima for a weekend
    • traveled on a sleeper train with my own bed!
    • ate Okinomiyaki (famous in hiroshima)
    • Stood in the spot where the bomb was dropped
    • went to Peace Park and explored the museum about the bomb in hiroshima
  • went to a club called Roop Fooding and another called Space Foo
  • went to Gotemba Premium Outlets (just like Jackson Premium Outlets!)
  • worked many many many hours
  • bought myself a new chair and lamp
  • been studying japanese occasionally (i really need to study more)
  • learned how to work my rice cooker
  • learned a few new recipes
  • avoided the flu this month (4 out of 7 employees had it)
  • received a few origami animals from cute 5 year old students 
  • playing the new super mario bros on the wii
  • ate soy beans to ward off evils for the year
  • got asked 100 times what my blood type is. apparently its similar to people asking what your horoscope is. your blood type means something about your personality. consult wikipedia for the chart  mom or dad if you guys know what my blood type is.. let me know because i forgot. haha
thats the highlights i guess. pictures with details to come! 

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