Monday, June 7, 2010


Dude its been 3 months since i last updated this. I just got back from my 6 month follow up training in Zushi which is outside of Tokyo. It was only for a weekend so it went pretty fast. I made some new friends though! and they are all going out in Tokyo in a few weeks so Im going to try to meet up with them. yay.

Ive recently fallen in love with Milk Tea. I think its starting to give me migraines though so i may have to stay away from it. Its perfect after a day at the beach though. Speaking of beaches... I've been to the beach a few times now here in Japan... i had two days off this week (to make up for the weekend of training) and I spent them on the beach in Atami. A few weeks ago I also took a trip to Shimoda which is 2 hours away but has gorgeous beaches. I went with Alex and her bf Yosuke. June is rainy season though and I heard it might start this week. Hopefully that holds off another week so that next weekend I can go to the beach some more.

Soon I have to decide what to do with the length of my contract. Big decisions!
Work is stressful as always but thats life. In April we started a new school year, and I have some babies.. like around  2 years old.. that now have to take a class without Mommy in the classroom. Boy has that been awful. Crying babies everywhere and only 1 Jessica Sensei. Some of them have stopped though and are back to wanting to sing the ABCs every 5 minutes, so thats good.
I think my English is getting worse out here though. Unfortunately, my Japanese isn't getting that much better. Slowly but surely though its coming around, and I plan on doing more studying now that all my TV shows have ended and I have nothing to watch after work.

Anything else? Not recently. Planning a trip to China soon and going to finally climb Mt Fuji too. Lots of good things ahead. Always running around. Never home on the weekends (always traveling!) Life is great here.

I do miss pizza though.

Me and my friends. I realized I love the cute stuffed animals here that looked depressed or aren't smiling. Weird! But Cute!! Kawaii

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