Monday, July 26, 2010


GREAT weekend. Saw some great friends that I haven't seen in a while. Walked away with some pretty great jokes, including everyone singing one room jesshika over and over. saw inception. GREAT movie. first movie in a theater in japan!!!! ate popcorn and everything. saw the giant gundam .. twice! once at night and then during the day the next day. bought a tshirt and a folder. my camera died though so i got no pictures! but other people did so im going to steal from them haha.  did soo much karaoke. listened to recordings of mel gibson being a jerk.

the next 3 weeks are going to be nuts. next weekend.. birthday. the weekend after that...climbing fuji.... two days after that.. china.. realized today that im going to be on the top of mt fuji and camping on the great wall of china within 4 days of each other. how epic is that!

theres also a video on facebook ... go to videos of me and check it out!

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