Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Today is good ol' independence day so I'm going to celebrate it the only way I can here in Japan.... and thats karaoke!!! We're going to sing all the songs that have the word america or usa in it and be proud of where we're from!! haha maybe eat some cheeseburgers or something too. I plan on skyping with my family at some point at the 4th of july party so that'll be nice. For now I'm goign to clean my apt because I might have friends visiting.

Did I mention im going to China in August? WOOOO 7 days in Beijing.. .sleeping on the Great Wall of China... eating fried starfish on a stick and bear hands and weird things like that. Very excited. And climbing Mt. Fuji the weekend before that. Its going to be an exciting and exhausting week. Can't wait!!

Meanwhile, in July... I'm going to Osaka next weekend with some friends.(not going to hiroshima for fishing anymore).. in 3 weekends I'm goign to Travis's to see the unveiling of a huge robot the size of a building. Should be fun. And the weekend after that is my birthday.. so maybe going to Atami to see fireworks and live on the beach.

I love the summer.
Work sucks lately but who cares. :)


  1. I am so excited for the robot unveiling. please take a video, and bring a shield, just in case!
