Monday, November 30, 2009

First week

HI! I've had a lot going on this week. I am happy to finally have some down time to send out emails and get a blog going. I am thinking this will be a weekly thing. Maybe more maybe less.
My trip to Japan started out kind of rough. Flight out of JFK to San Fran got delayed 2 hours because the AC was broken...which led me to miss my connecting flight to Osaka. I made a friend, Adam, along the way on the plane ride going to SanFran. Thank god because I would have been a mess if I was alone in this without a phone. We ended up getting accommodations at the glorious Red Roof Inn....
We were told there werent seats available until 2 days later but we tried to get a standby flight hte next day and that didnt work out so we had to stay. It was waiting for the standby flight that we met up with Jacqueline. Missed the flight so we went out on the town in San Francisco

Alcatraz .. cool view

Adam, me, and Jacqueline in an Irish coffee bar.

Training was pretty cool. We stayed in an annex and I had an awesome roommate named Brittani. Every day for training we had to have lesson plans prepared and we presented them to eachother the next morning. The last one we did , we had to teach an actual 5 year old. My group had Kontoro and he was so freaking cute... doing karate moves all over the place while we tried to teach him. I also had some crazy food during the Katsudon, Ramen(not so crazy, but super delicious. and not the 99 cent kind found in the states haha..this stuff is "legit") and Okonomiyaki . Good stuff


So yeah. Training went well and I made lots of friends and by the end of the week we were all sad to leave eachother. We went out to dinner with the trainers and found a bar run by a bunch of Australian guys.

Ai-lin, Travis, and I in Aussie Bar

Good times!
The next morning we all took the bullet train to the towns we'll be teaching in and it was sad to say goodbye. There are already plans being made for New Years Eve in Tokyo for all of us which will be a great time!
Now I am in Numazu and moved into my apartment. Apparently when its not cloudy out(which is has been the past 2 days) Mt. Fuji can be seen right from my apartment door. Can't wait for that! I am also on the beach, and surrounded by a lot of fun stores and places to eat. The english teacher who I am replacing gave me her bike too which is awesome. I learned that its illegal to be on the phone while riding your bike and its also illegal to hold an umbrella while riding.
Right next door is another English teacher at my school.. her name is Alex and she's been here for 4 months and has been showing me the ropes. Tonight we are having a girls night of food wine and a dvd of Mean Girls before my first day of work tomorrow.

Okay. more to come... !